Saturday, June 27, 2009

Celebs Cry Out: WE ARE ONLY HUMAN!

Wassup Yall?! First things first, PAYING TRIBUTE to the KING MICHAEL JACKSON for simply being an inspiration to an astronimical amount of people! His LEGACY is ridiculous....I mean STUPID DUMB!

Which brings me to my next point! this particular BLOG ABOUT IT SEGMENT, I want to touch base on stereotypes and the emphasis placed on them!

Why is it that as people, we spend so much of our time trying to categorize each other? I mean, we take time away from actually LIVING to analyze and read others without even knowing them. Then once we have em figured out, or at least we think so, we "KNOW" them and therefore can DESCRIBE their character.

SO...u guys ask me is that a problem?

Yes! As a matter of fact, it is! I know the stigma placed on celebrities in the past was something like, untouchable, unknowable, stuck-up, goody-2 shoes, and all those other negative connotations we LOVE to place on them.

Bottom line: THEY ARE HUMAN! They are just like u and me with emphasis on the cash flow and popularity, still some more than others! We go crazy over their presence and thats fine but the moment they don't make us feel as special, individually, as we feel we do them, it's a problem!

NEWSFLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are not their only fan! As much as u tweet and stalk (yes stalk cuz some of US r stalkers....good ones though LOL :)) soooooo many others do too!

All im saying is give them a chance and realize that Celebs are human! They deal with cameras and blogs on a regular so as their fans we could be a little more sensitive before we fly off the handle at them about not recognizing you out of a million others!


Celebs are really awesome people because they have done things that some only dream! Don't sham them for it! They hurt like we hurt! SO when WE stereotype Celebs be clear where the fault lies!


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