Thursday, June 25, 2009

Michael Jackson: Under Arrest???? Cardiac Arrest!

JUST IN!!!!!!!!

...Michael Jackson went into Cardiac Arrest so my prayers go out to the Jackson family!

Regardless of any rumors put out about him, his remarkable impact on the music industry and his many contributions do not go unnoticed. See the thing is this guys, the moment people begin to admire you for something positive, you can bet your cookies that someone is trying to break you down! Misery loves company! Old saying but it's still of todays many facts! People like Sandra Rose, who most don't know cuz there's NO reason to, simply does the devils work! Instead of praising people and commending them on their accomplishments, she'd rather spark a conversation filled with lies and grief. I understand causing a big fuss gets her attention which she desperately needs but why at anothers expense?! Im glad she doesnt affect Trey and Drake the way she does their fans because she def got under my skin!

What do u guys think of Jerks and Twitches like Sandra Rose?

Again Pray for Michael Jackson and his family, that he pulls through this time!

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