Thursday, June 25, 2009

Excuse me but ummm....what are we REALLY getting @???

King of Pop Michael Jackson has been hospitalized at UCLA hospital in Los Angeles, California and while CNN is giving us minute by minute coverage (or are they?!), they are placing a bit too much emphasis on the negatives.....Give me a break! Are you freaking serious???? CHILL BACK! It saddens me that they even have the audacity to continuously shed light on such negative events as the trial of his alledged mollestation charge and the insane amounts of plastic surgery Jacko has undergone. Media is so out of order not to mention WIKEPEDIA has already buried the man....I mean believe it or not, Prayer goes a LONG way! Inspiring many artist and oodles and oodles of fans, Jacko, 50, deserves more respect than what CNN is dishing out....Im just saying!

"Frail, sickly, discolored, thin old man....not the vivrant Pop star that describes this genre of music....."

Give me a break! Can we show some effin respect here?! Awaiting news of his survival or not.....

God help us all....

RIP Farrah Fawcett

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