Thursday, June 25, 2009


Okay so as of lately, I am a Twitter Freak (not @princesammies Twitter Freak tho :))! I constantly Tweet, usually about @songzyuuup (my destiny) but most recently about MJ.....and him! What?! I can't help it! SOOooooo, The great Farrah Fawcett also passed today and Ed McMahon passed as well.....can we say FUCKERY?! I know it's a terrible choice of words but I'm just sayin'!

My day started off terrible anyhow! My alarm went off @ 6:20am awaking me for TWO exams that had to be COMPLETED B4 8am (FUCKERY!)! So, I took the exams and I HAVE NOT been back to sleep yet.....Not to mention last night was LONG and I missed streaming live with @Troytaylor86 (Troy Taylor, music producer songbook ent) whom I give so much credit to cuz he goes so hard for Trey! So, after I finished the exams, I went to return a book to the library where I learned I had a $3 late fee (FUCKERY) for.....return to my car and......IT WOULDN'T START (FUCKERY) called Mommy but her phone was off....called my sissy and what do u know, HER DAMN PHONE WAS OFF 2! (FUCKERY)! Called Mommy again and it RANG! God musta woke her up IMMEDIATELY! So turns out my battery cables are loose and need to be tightened. Otherwise, every so often when I go to start my car, it WON'T be cranking up.

That was enough for me but thats not it! Not even close! (NOTE: currently dancing in my seat JAMMIN to MJ tunes! I can't believe he passed away)

Get home and what do u know: MORE FUCKERY!

Grandma calls with her own little emergency thats gonna call for a little too much of my attention eventually....ugh! I love my Mamaw though and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her, and her for me!

SooooOOoooo, Farrah Fawcett passed but I was expecting that! Nonetheless, it's still extremely sad but she no longer suffers so Praise God for her peace!

Almost forgot about my OTHER exam (exam 3) and I rush to take it but MJ is rushed to the minute he's alive the next he' dead....then in a coma, then dead.....(FUCKERY) Wikipedia had already confirmed him dead the moment we heard he had been rushed to UCLA Medical Center (FUCKERY: Shame on Wikipedia for assuming the worst just to be the first). Then CNN was giving minute-by-minute coverage of MJ's condition all the while BASHING....FUCKERY! A million claims and dirt slinging occurred which I found very tasteless on the Medias part (Fuckery)! All of my TWITTERLINGS were losing their calm and RIP MJ was the #1 trending topic and HE WASN'TEVEN DEAD YET!!!! (FUCKERY) E! confirmed his death and then stated he was in a coma?!??! (FUCKERY??? I THINK SO!)

Finally the King of Pop has been CONFIRMED EXPIRED (that means he's dead guys) (SAD)!

So finally I get back to my laptop to take my FINAL EXAM for Psych of Personality (interesting as hell btw) and what do u know??? MORE FUCKERY, of course! Im locked out of the Im in the process of waiting for a response from my prof saying that he has opened it back up for me.....when that'll be, I have no idea....ideally I'd like to get it outta the way but considering my lil DANCE with FUCKERY, I'll probably have to wait until I'm extremely busy and pressed for time to get the opportunity (a very important word) to do it....i yi yi! (FUCKERY)

As you see, today has been a rough day for me, and still none of my events compare to the loss of a son, brother, father, friend, Role Model, and Icon!

May your soul RIP MJ as your legend continues to soar widely and fulfill all of it's duties!


1 comment:

  1. Thats why i couldn't listen to CNN cuz of the people they let come on the air over the phone. Its like the haters were in overdrive man! They will be in overdrive for the next week trying to figure out shit they have no business digging into. They need to let him rest once and fo all and stop what they are doing. Theres no need to drag his name thru the mud anymore.

    and your day ... just a day full of fuckery ... thats why I'm not taking summer classes. I had to take a break from all that daily fuckery. smh
